This film depicts the life of Subir Banerjee, the child actor who played Apu in Satyajit Ray’s Pather Panchali. It is set in two time zones – the past and the present. The past is shot in black and white and the present in colour. Throughout the movie parallel is drawn between Subir’s life and Apu trilogy.
The costume had to be designed not only for 2 different eras but also the film within the film. Subir marries the daughter of a wealthy villager – the costumes here not only suits the period but also the rural backdrop. It also had to match the costumes worn in the original Apu trilogy since the film goes back and forth. The costumes for the cast who are in the present are urban. So once again Suchismita blends the urban and the rural; the past and the present
Director – Kaushik Ganguly
Cast – Kaushik Ganguly, Parambrata Chatterjee, Subir Banerjee, Parno Mitra and Gaurav Chakraborty
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